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Removing the Language Barrier

Educators will likely encounter an English Language Learner (ELL) in public education, especially if they work at an inner-city public school. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were about 5 million ELLs enrolled in the U.S. during the fall of 2020. ELL is a term used when describing students who have limited English proficiency or are unable to learn effectively in English. Due to the unique circumstances that ELLs face, they typically require specialized instruction in their academic courses. The goal of programs like English Language Development (ELD) is to help students meet the linguistic and academic goals for their grade level. While these programs can be beneficial, they are typically only conducted during one class period. ELLs need support in all their classes to ensure academic and personal success.

ELLs are all at varying stages of their English learning journey. Some students might need more support than others when it comes to the course material. The following are a few strategies our program uses to reach ELLs in our class.

Allowing ELLs access to their technology to utilize translation apps or websites.

Having visual aids or have students follow along during projects to help remove any possible language barriers. This strategy helps all students in the classroom, which will help the ELL not feel singled out.

Allowing ELLs to rely on their peers for extra support. This is not a one size fits all solution, but something that has worked for us in reaching a rapidly growing community. I believe the most important recommended suggestion is relying on peers. It can be hard for people, especially vulnerable students, to admit they need help. As mentioned before, there might be some ELLs more proficient in English than others; therefore, letting ELLs rely on their peers helps build confidence and community. Find something that works for you to engage your ELL students in your classroom!

For additional resources click on the link below.

Preciosa Hernandez

Student Coach

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